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New little "Share" irritant
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Beitrag New little "Share" irritant 
Whose bright idea was the little "Share" flag that keeps popping out of the right side of the scene?

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All the other major tube sites have something similar. A few people have suggested it, and we feal it will increae traffic.

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Beitrag eeekkk 
admin hat Folgendes geschrieben:
All the other major tube sites have something similar. A few people have suggested it, and we feal it will increae traffic.

we're all too scared to go near it in case it plasters our rudey bits on Facebook next to 'my nan at the bbq' photo!
Rolling Eyes

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Beitrag mmm 
im guessing a lot of people who have vids/pics posted here wont like the idea of them being shared on facebook,twitter.etc

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Peope should have no concerns about videos being shared on facebook or twitter. If someone clicks one of those buttons, the videos will not appear on facebook or twitter, but only a link to the video. People have always posted links to yuvutu videos all over the interenet, so there really isn't much change.

Please let admin know if you have any questions.

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Might be a silly question, but this mean that someone else can post a link to one of my videos, or can I only do that? Because I definitely don't want anyone else doing that! Had enough of my vids appearing in other places!

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hotpolarbear hat Folgendes geschrieben:
Might be a silly question, but this mean that someone else can post a link to one of my videos, or can I only do that? Because I definitely don't want anyone else doing that! Had enough of my vids appearing in other places!

Just ignore the social media buttons for a moment. Anybody can post this link:

... anywhere on the internet. This is a link to one of your videos. This has always been possible and it is a fundamenetal feature of the internet. The video does not appear on the other site, just the link. If a person clicks on the link then he gets sent to the yuvutu page with the video.

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Beitrag And this is better how? 
That is what we all like about you, will go to any lengths to defend an obviously dumb idea "the vid wont appear, just the link!"

I am sure that makes Wetchick feel all warm and fuzzy about her aunt's bbq pics!

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If it is so dumb why do all the other sites do it?

I don't see how the link will appear on wetchick aunt's facebook page. Unless the aunt visits wetchick's yuvutu page and clicks on the facebook button.

Also, nothing will appear on wetchick's own facebook page unless she clicks on the link herself.

Maybe I am stupid, in which case someone needs to explain to me what exactly is the problem.

Anyway, to reassure those who are against this, we have made it so that the buttons no longer appear for videos that have been made non-embedable.

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Beitrag Please explain this 

Please explain this. If I am watching a video that is embeddable, and click on your little tag, it will place that link on my Facebook page. Is this correct? Is there another step I need to take to insure that it is there, or does it appear if I inadvertently click it?

Once it is on my Facebook page, anyone visiting my page can click the link, and be taken to the video. Is this correct?

The answers to these simple questions should clarify the issue.

As to your "everyone else is doing it" comment...I did not let my ***** get away with that one either!

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Beitrag vote. 
admin,how about asking the people of this site if its a good idea or not,makes no difference to me but if i had videos on here i wouldnt like the idea of links to them posted on other sites especially facebook.etc.

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jsutton911 hat Folgendes geschrieben:

Please explain this. If I am watching a video that is embeddable, and click on your little tag, it will place that link on my Facebook page. Is this correct? Is there another step I need to take to insure that it is there, or does it appear if I inadvertently click it?

Once it is on my Facebook page, anyone visiting my page can click the link, and be taken to the video. Is this correct?

The answers to these simple questions should clarify the issue.

As to your "everyone else is doing it" comment...I did not let my ***** get away with that one either!

I am not Admin, but I can answer for him.

This is a Youtube link that clearly explains how to insert a link into Wall on Facebook, you will see that it is very hard to send a Yuvutu content inadvertently just by clicking on those social buttons:

In conclusion, Your friends/family on Facebook will NEVER be aware that you are on Yuvutu ( unless you copy/paste your Yuvutu links YOURSELF on your Facebook page).

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Glory the voice of reason .......................... ty


I think that once in everyones life they find that one person who means the most to them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
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Glory is ALWAYS the voice of reason.... :)

The Share bar is a little irritating.. always hovering there at the side of your screen.. but you can't add anything by mistake... unless you are extremely drunk and forgot what you have done !! :D

My ***** know I am on a Porn site.. but don't think they want to see Mumsy in all her glory all over Facebook lol


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Beitrag Thanks 

Thanks for explaining something that Admin obviously could not.

I still do not like, nor trust, pop-ups on ANY site.

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