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Removal of video from "most viewed"
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Beitrag Removal of video from "most viewed" 
I wonder why the video that I uploaded was removed from the "most viewed". In a few days it was going towards the first positions with around 5000 visualizations. I wonder why this happens (it is the second time). Makes no sense to upload videos if they are not listed after just a few days. The only way to find it is through a search.
This is the video

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you cant stop on the front page forever in the ' most viewed'

others are makeing new stuff all the time same as you are ....

have a look throught the pages .... 2 or 3 ... maybe further down ...

new stuffs made all the time they get watched yours move down ...

make new ones ????

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The video is not being removed from "Most Viewed" have to look at the "period". The default is Last Week, so once you're past the first week, you have to change the period to "last 30 days" or "all time" and then you will find your video if it has a lot of views. If it's not on the first page, follow what Truday said, start going through the pages until you find your video.

I hope this helps.

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It makes sense.

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..and thanx for the replies

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