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Wanted - someone to massage my wife while I watch
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Beitrag Wanted - someone to massage my wife while I watch 
I'm in Ontario Canada. I'd like someone to massage my wife while I watch. She'll be totally naked, starting face-down and I want to tell you what you can do and when. I'll have you start on her legs and work up to the cheeks of her ass. You can spend lots of time there, massaging her cheeks. You can spread them to uncover her asshole and you can look at it and touch it lightly.

I'll be watching and probably playing with my cock at this time. This will be a massive turn-on for me.

Then I'll allow you to do all of her back. I'll then get her to roll over and you'll get to see her small but nice tits and her full dark hairy cunt. Using lots of lube I'll let you massage her tits fully. You can work down to her stomach and by now she will be very horny and moaning. Then I'll allow you to work down to her cunt. At this point she'll open her legs for you and I want you to take a great view of her whole cunt area - spreading her flaps and seeing her clit. Spend a long time viewing the cunt properly as I massage my cock slowly. Look up inside her properly. Massage her whole cunt area fully but don't go inside yet. She'll be lifting her hips to meet your hand.

Then I'll say "Ok insert three fingers slowly and deeply and feel her cervix." You can use a lot of pressure here and massage the whole inside of her fine cunt. I'll be wanking like crazy at this point, watching you fingering my wife with her legs as wide as they will go. I'll let you feel her hairy mound with your other hand. At this point I'll be making myself come. Then I'll have you remove your fingers and you may suck her juices off them.

I'll then ask you to drop your pants, kneel down so that your head is at the level of her cunt. I want you to jerk off while you're looking at her wet cunt lips.

Thanks, that was awesome.

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Beitrag I am in Ontario hopefully close to massage your wife 
OMG that would be a fantastic experience.

I am in Golden Horseshoe area - western end of Lake Ontario

I am male - clean - 57.

Hope this peaks your interest.

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