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Looking to get some panties
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Beitrag Looking to get some panties 
21 yo college student. Trying to get my hands on some panties. I love to Jo with a pair wrapped around my cock. I have one pair now but would love more. In the akron, oh area if anyone is close. Or could arrange by mail. Interested?.

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Beitrag Re: Looking to get some panties 
[quote="collegemale"]21 yo college student. Trying to get my hands on some panties. I love to Jo with a pair wrapped around my cock. I have one pair now but would love more. In the akron, oh area if anyone is close. Or could arrange by mail. Interested?.[/quote]

[color=darkblue][i][b]I would love to wear a pair for you... I sell panties all the time online... I'm a plump mature female with great smells.... Love to hear from you... K xoxxo[/b][/i][/color]

:wink: [img][/img]

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Beitrag Re: Looking to get some panties 
collegemale hat Folgendes geschrieben:
21 yo college student. Trying to get my hands on some panties. I love to Jo with a pair wrapped around my cock. I have one pair now but would love more. In the akron, oh area if anyone is close. Or could arrange by mail. Interested?.

Hi, I sell my worn knickers, you can choose from six pairs and decide how you like them worn. No extra charge for additional requests. check my profile or message me if you are interested.
Sammy xx

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Beitrag Panties 
We have some too

Gruesome Twosome Rockstars
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