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Camcorder Suggestions?
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Beitrag Camcorder Suggestions? 
Anyone have suggestions for cams in the $400 - $500 range?

Married couple in our late 40\'s would like a lady friend with benefits to play with us in Dallas.
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Beitrag Re: Camcorder Suggestions? 
WeBeLovers hat Folgendes geschrieben:
Anyone have suggestions for cams in the $400 - $500 range?

I know this is old, but if you are going to use a cheap cam, I'd say try to find a Canon Elura 100, which is still available on some net stores. They do very well and can be had for under $300. I it is a mini DV, but it has firewire and you can plug that straight into a computer and record with it live. The picture quality is outstanding whether you broadcast live into your computer or use the DV tape. Lots of new cameras available now in the range you quoted that have high def or hard drive as well. For online, I'd go hard drive or flash memory to expedite editing. Only thing is that for best standard def video quality, unless you pop for a AVCH (H264) recording camera, DV has the best picture quality because it does not use the compression that the standard hard drive cameras use.

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