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Husband and his testosterone levels
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Beitrag Husband and his testosterone levels 
So my husband has been showing signs of low testosterone for a while but recently got checked. He was experiencing fatigue, no energy, lack of motivation, lower libido etc. His levels for testosterone Total, S was 280 which is considered “normal” ( range is 240-950) and his testosterone free s was 7.1 (range 4.85-19)

The dr said definitely the low end of normal. He is being referred to a urologist in hopes to get started on trt therapy.

The problem is, ever since he has found out he is have the hardest time getting hard and staying hard. I don’t feel like he wants me like he did before. He never really had issues before (lower libido but never issues getting hard) He would have issues maybe once every few months but not every time by any means. I guess he’s into his head way too much and stressing about it.

He is feeling bad about it and I can tell it’s bothering him. I’m giving him grace because I know he’s going through it and I’m being supportive and letting him know it’s okay and we will get through this. I wish I could make it better for him.

Anyone else been through something similar?

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