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Script error - Fixed !!
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Beitrag Script error - Fixed !! 
slowly..." I have that message and i can´t go to the chat Sad , I cleaned the cookies, Historial and i have the last version of Adobe flash (You have version 10,0,22,87 installed) I´m using Firefox and i see some clues abt the problem in: Tools - Error Console... there i see many errors abt the background, some banners and some files xxx.css.

I looked for information about this in Internet, and in some forums some ppl say that this is, generally, a website programming problem

Anyone have the same problem? Sad or some solution better Rolling Eyes

Personally I did not change anything, just click in ' Chat ' and done! so thanks for fix this problem!! Very Happy

and thanks to all who try to help me with this Very Happy

10x and keep enjoying my friends!! Wink

Zuletzt bearbeitet von enjoy_it am 2009-03-08 18:39:54, insgesamt 3-mal bearbeitet

Sweet dreams are made of this... ♪
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.... downloaded the latest version of firefox (3.0.7), it has fixed the problem.

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Beitrag Don´t work for me... :( 
GLORYHOLE14 hat Folgendes geschrieben:
.... downloaded the latest version of firefox (3.0.7), it has fixed the problem.

I have the same version..

maybe i must try Chrone.... Sad

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have you guys deleted cookies and temp internet files ??? flash sometimes gets issues when chat has been upgraded and requires that.

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i got this error: A script in this movie is causing Flash Player to run

I try this with Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari (Mac) on differnt computers, always the same error....

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i have this problem now too doesn anybody find a soltion yet?

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you can try uninstalling firefox and flash completely and reinstalling them this might help

some users have found doing this gets them into chat.

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i have the same problems, since yesterday afternoon. at 09:00 am it works without problems. i tried it with different computers and i reinstalled firefox and flash player but i doesn´t work. even with the internet explorer it does´nt work

I need help !! Question Question Question Sad Sad Sad Sad

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ever flash error help us please

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Beitrag same problem here 
have the same problem for days, flash and browsers all up to date, registry etc. cleaned up, cannot find any solution, thx for any help

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Beitrag Now, something weird... 
Do you wanna see something weird? Ok, do this... Go to the chat, when you see the message select "Yes". Now, right-click on the chat page, then select "Configuration" and bualá! Shocked

I´m pretty sure that this is configuration problem, not a problem in our browsers Confused

Sweet dreams are made of this... ♪
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Same problem, tried with all kinds of browser, always same message!
With firefox i cant enter too to chatroom.
Cant understand why. The days before it worked and now it is impossible to chat grrrrrrrrr
for me it is a problem of yuvutu
Pls admin, answer us

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Beitrag =( 
I have the same problem, i'm so tired, bored, when we will can open and use the chatt correctly? please, adms give a solution to this problem, i'm trying some many days and i don't have lucky... help us!!! Crying or Very sad

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About 12 people have complained of this problem so far. Most people do not have this problem

Installing the latest version of Firefox or IE has worked for some. Someone else reported they could use Chrome bowser ( )

We are investigating what is the exact cause and how to fix it. But for the momemnt we do not have an answer

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Ty for ur answer
Sorry, but same problem with Chrome.
Think more than 12 people face this problem, maybe they dont write on forum.
Believe it is a hard matter for u because a lot of people can go to other sites.
love yuvutu, dont want to change!

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