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can not log into chatroom
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Beitrag can not log into chatroom 
im having lots of trouble logging into the chat room . any sugestions?

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Try clearing your private data ( found under tools in your browser)

Hope this helps Very Happy

Hugs Exy

I am back to pervette ;)
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What kind of trouble?

No one else has complained about this recently.

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Beitrag chatroom problems 
Hello i click on the chat button, the page comes up as if it loading. Then the page is blank and it says at the aol loading box that it is done and the page does not come up. ive checked my firewalls ive cleared my cache and history. ive downloaded adobe 9 im not sure what else to do. i have dial up but ive had very little or no problems in the past. i also can not view any of the movies listed on any of the pages . about a week ago i was able to watch them so im not sure. thank you for any help,

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Beitrag Re: chatroom problems 
updogg hat Folgendes geschrieben:
ive downloaded adobe 9 im not sure what else to do.

Just say you that if you talk about flash player, the last vesion is 10 not 9, look in web adobe for upload. lucky

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"AOL loading box" - that's likely your problem right there.

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[quote="Hairs"]"AOL loading box" - that's likely your problem right there.[/quote]

Nah I wouldn't say that is the problem cause I use aol often and don't have a problem!

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Beitrag Chat Room Log-in Problem 
I cannot log-in to chat room. My browser and adobe player is up to date. Any suggestions?

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Beitrag Trouble Signning in 
I have deleted my account and I am not giving one single red cent more to this site. The reason is they have these unchecked psychopaths as chat admins who ban anyone for anything. We post our videos for you guys to make money and you let these little people free to screw with us.

Good riddance and ask the Almighty dick who banned me to get you your money

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Beitrag The problem is not Adobe it is your pop up blocker 
Passwords not being accepted is always the same issue, Pop-up blocker has disabled the content. Add the site to your whitelist in browser preferences, or list of exceptions. It is a common problem especially in Mozilla. I wrote a complete post on how to fix this error and other errors here:

If you still have issues with logging in send me a PM Ill help, no problem

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