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To Pierce or not to Pierce
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Beitrag To Pierce or not to Pierce 
Just a quick question, I'm thinking of getting a frenum piercing in the next few weeks. To you guys who have their cocks pierced and to you gals who get to play with them, does it really enhance fucking ?

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Beitrag I had one.... 
I had one, and wore it for about 6yrs... Mine was a barbell style pin, on the underside of the gland, just on the lower edge of the cleft.

Have to say, it didn't hurt when having it done, just a quick pin prick, a few days soreness.. making sure it was cleaned well every day and after a week, back to normal..

My Ex loved it, said it rubbed in all the righ places when we where having sex, but, she kept catching it in her teeth when she gave a BJ... Which really didn't do much good, neither does, if you catch it on your zipper if you are going comando in yer jeans.. . On the plus side, where it was, it did lower the feeling a bit, so I lasted much longer than when I don't wear it...

Don't wear it much now, only really wear it now if I am going to a nudist beach or party as it starts people talking to you, more a kinky talking point than a real thing...

Only advice to you is, think hard about IF you really want it, and get a professional, experienced person to do it, I have heard some horror stories about them being done wrong!

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