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change blogs back?

blogs in full with pics and vids 21% 21% ( 5 )
a sample and decide yourself 78% 78% ( 18 )

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just asking, are people as fed up as me with the blogs? pages and pages of pics,vids and looooong stories, can we have the old way of a bit of a blog to help you decide?

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I want it back to the old way. I sent HPB's blog request to Admin via the feedback button. They seem to think we're in the minority on this one...that most people like it the way it is. I don't know if they're going to change it back or not. I seriously hope they do...cause it's getting too annoying for words.

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agress 1000% with littleBN ....

i hate the vids in there ....

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With a blog I just want to read the text so I can do without vids and pics...

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Beitrag please please please 
Blogs are for reading. You don't see text (except a description) in the vids or pics so why put vids or pics in a medium that is designed just for writing? If I want to see videos or pictures I will go to those areas. Please put it back to the way it used to be.

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Thanks for this, Martin. And thanks LBN for sending my blog on to Admin. Can't believe that we're in the minority! Come on people ... let's have you vote on this one!

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voted :)

I think that once in everyones life they find that one person who means the most to them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
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i am surprised this isn't running 100% against putting vids in the blogs. but then i got to thinking that there are probably many that want vids anywhere they can get them. seeing seems to be the controlling factor in their existence, which is fine, but blogs should be for the written word. i mean you open a book and don't expect to find a dvd. there is already a tab for videos.

as an aside, my eyesight seems to be getting worse. i would like to see (no pun intended) the blogs posted in braille for people like me.

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I'm all in favour of how it used to be - the blogs section is just too annoying for words now. the pics and vids on there piss me right off, and if anything, i am actually less likely to go and see someones pics and vids if they have self promoted their wares in the blog section.

When being able to post pics first came in, i thought it was quite a good idea to be able to link a pic to the blog written - but i've only seen it used for that purpose about 3 times. a blog isnt the place for shameless self promotion, and nor do i need to see a blog in its entirity to decide if i want to read it.

Also someones profile page can stretch on for miles if they have posted a lot of blogs, and thats a pain on the ass too.

i think i've made my point now lol

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Loves Jamie very very much! And not just because he agrees with me! lol! But is anyone listening to us?

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Agrees with Jamie the old way was nice a moon on a pop stick was great for the poem m8 added to the overall of it. But, the way it has become since that is very aggravating in deed

I think that once in everyones life they find that one person who means the most to them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
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