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is yuvutu going to be history?
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Beitrag is yuvutu going to be history? 
I keep wondering what's going to happen to the chatroom when Flash no longer exists/supports it?

Does anyone know?

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I asked this question two years ago – no answer. :(
I guess the chat has been dying for some years, and I wouldn’t be surprised if it’ completely dead by the end of 2020 – the end of life for Flash.

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Beitrag 2020? 
So does anyone know if sight going bye bye

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Beitrag Good question 
They really should upgrade, also the site is not secure which makes me kind of wary of the chat room. Flash is a big security risk. Other sites seem so much more commercial and porn business oriented rather than user generated content so I hope they come up with some alternative.

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oh i really hope the admins make the upgrade...

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Beitrag totally dead 
this is such a shame this site was so good back in the day, now its dead no one chats cam don't work.
Where do people go now.

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Beitrag hey 
It is great site, I would hate to see it gone
Any admin can update us ?

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Beitrag Chat is dead 
Now the chat is really dead. :( My browsers, Firefox, Chromium and Chrome have disabled Flash and Adobe has dropped support as announced years ago. And that was the best part of the website

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Ive not seen anyone in chat...for days ....shame

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Best not to use the chat now that flash is end of life, uninstall it, I have asked them to remove the chat link or put up a non-flash chat.


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