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  • nesohorny

  • Tätigkeit:
  • Interessen:
  • Geschlecht: Männlich
  • Geburtsdatum:
  • Ethnische Zugehörigkeit: Weiß
  • Beziehungsstatus: In einer lockeren Beziehung
  • Sexualität: Hetero
  • Raucher/in: Nein
  • Körpergröße: 189 cm
  • Körperart: L



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  •  10/08/10
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me and my Lady went to a hillside spot fro where you can see almost our complete hometown.

It is in the middle of Natur and we went there to have our first real outdoor fuck

What can i say, the sight was beautifull and after some sidewalker went by i lay her down on a high buld Stone, which was as i saw then

on the perfect height  for me, She lay down and spread her legs and i had her juicy cunt right infrot of my mouth. i could not resist and i started to kiss and lick her pussy and on the sounds she made i would say she enjoyed it pretty much too.

As i was busy getting her Juice i saw a walker just cossed us and he looked at me sinking my tongue in her pussy and went by quite shocked i guess. I hope his Lady had a nice fuck too later.

I just went on with licking her pussy as she had no idea that a stranger went by just a second ago and as hot as she was i dont think it would have bothered her .

I sucked her clit and she went crazy when i entered a finger into her ass and she came loud and strong imediatly i just ucked of all her Juice nad gave her a break.

After recovering for a few seconds, she ordered me to sit down too and she sarted to suck me . OMG that was so good. Up and down with her tongue in and out her warm mouth and after 2 minutes i have to order her to stop or i would come. She stopt but only for a Minute then i sad down and she just let my cock slip into her still juicy wet and warm pussy and she fuckt me for a couple of rides before she had to stop again to give me some rest.

Just as we tried to start agin with the fucking i saw to ppl hadinh towards our spot so we could not start so we waited , but the two guys just came to our spot and opened some biers i guessthey had some plans too.

After waiting for a couple of minutes we decides to head for car so we took off and went downhill. As i was wearing a wide short Jogging sports pant

i pulled out my hard dick and she took the opporunity to go on her knees and swalloed all of my pride on the street . She was so hot that she did not let go before i exploded in her mouth after a couple of minutes.

Just on a forrest street at 9:30 PM under a bright moonlit sky.

I am sure we gonna to that again as i saw her blinking horny eyes.

Good day to you all

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em6224 said:
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