Hi, I've used your vids for many years as bate fuel. I love everything about them. Thank you for posting. I'm in Brissy and would love to see more of you especially after so many years. Please contact me on picfic12@gmail.com
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steve7766 said:
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temujin said:
Not available for dating? Then how about a visit to New York City with me as your host?
bigdawg998 said:
love the upskirt theme, please make a few more, would love to see you walking up stairs, bending over, or squatting above the camera like your going to get your pussy eaten.....great job love your work!!!!!
jack1901 said:
Saw more of your work...We need to talk...But I bet you don't live in Victoria...SIGH LOL
jack1901 said:
I love your work. Aussie ingenuity at it's best...let me know if you would like to send me some of your work...Love to see it
djinabq said:
I absolutely love the dirty talk...keep it up!
jamesin2008 said:
absolutely great body
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