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  United Kingdom
  • northernenglandcouple

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Hello everyone. We are a UK couple united and very much in love. We love this beautiful site. We love to receive pictures or even better, before you videos of our photos. Do not hesitate especially to ejaculate on Carol,

northernenglandcouple videos

 - Best face fucking of my life
  •   6K
  •  16/12/24
  •  87%
 - the FIRST time I swallowed.
  •   3K
  •  16/12/24
  •  61%
 - He began to fuck my mouth
  •   12K
  •  22/10/24
  •  64%
 - Neighbour
  •   3K
  •  09/10/24
  •  62%
  •   3K
  •  09/10/24
  •  62%

northernenglandcouple fotos

  •   412
  •  15/01/25
  •  94%
  •   329
  •  30/12/24
  •  100%
  •   268
  •  30/12/24
  •  0%
  •   437
  •  20/12/24
  •  95%
  •   520
  •  18/12/24
  •  100%
  •   370
  •  18/12/24
  •  90%

northernenglandcouple blogs

 I’ve never been fisted—I don’t work as a bottom—but I’ve certainly done some fisting. Most clients normally just want plain good sex, but the ones who want to be fisted usually have a very specific kind of fetish. And I’d say how often I get asked for fisting depends on the local gay culture and community. I think I’d be requested to fist people more if I lived in Europe, for example. And I’ve never been asked by a woman. I think it’s a guy thing. In my experience, it’s the guys who want to take their sex game to another level.

I don’t think fisting required any kind of special preparation. I just try to be slow and careful so I don’t break anything. The main thing is you need lube. Lots of lube. And enjoy it. Sometimes I start playing with my fingers inside the person’s butthole and that makes me hard. And some people can only take it to the wrist. Some will take it mid-arm, others take it all the way up to my elbow. I’m not the one who decides. But you’d be surprised how big a rectal cavity is. You can put an arm in there just fine without harming other organs

Then, when the time’s up, I go take a shower. Since I wear gloves or put a condom over my arm, it’s all clean but still, I usually want a shower. And if you’re wondering, yes, everything stretches back to normal. It’s all just muscle back there. Some people are tighter than others, but everyone bounces back

I’m not sure what advice I can offer. Maybe just that if you feel like trying it, just do it. Pick someone who’ll be patient and kind. Getting fist fucked for the first time is quite an experience and you should feel safe. Try not to feel restrained by some kind of moral conflict or fear. Just let your pleasure do the talking.

My first fisting experience was by myself

 My first fisting experience was by myself. I had no idea what I was doing. It wasn’t like I woke up and decided, today I will fist myself. I just thought that if I could take my boyfriend’s dick inside my vagina, then why not use my own hand? So I started with regular masturbation with one or two fingers, but that day, I don’t know why, I used all my fingers until eventually I had the best orgasm in my life. Since then I’ve just kept chasing that feeling.

The sad part of fisting is that you can’t do it properly by yourself. You need someone else, which is better anyway. I enjoy a whole arm inside my vagina for the same reason it’s good to have a tongue inside your mouth or inside your ear. It’s just pleasure. Everything in life is about seeking pleasure, and I just love feeling like my pussy is eating my boyfriend’s arm. That turns me on, but it’s also about power.

I feel empowered and fierce when my boyfriend is fisting me. That’s because I’m the one who asks for it. I am the one who controls the intensity. I am the one who gives the orders and sometimes I even slap his face while he is inside me. On the other hand, when we are in a regular fuck, he’s the one in control of the situation. I don’t know why, but that’s just how it works for us.

I guess for me, fisting is part of rediscovering my sexuality. I’m a middle-aged woman who works as a teacher and I lost my virginity to my first husband. Then, after his death, I thought my sexual life had been buried with him. But I’ve decided to be happy and to do whatever I want with my life, and mostly with my vagina. I think the reason people don’t talk openly about fisting is that they’re hypocrites and conservatives. Fisting is not a monster that needs to be hidden inside a dark bedroom. I would love to have this conversation with my sister or with my closest friends, but they would judge me for sure. They think sexuality is boring and can’t be creative. I feel kind of sorry for them.

Cover my boobs

 Sometimes sleep over with my coworker and online college friend and her house since we sometimes study pretty late at night. I often have dinner with her parents although her father’s work schedule is pretty random. Sometimes he gets home at 8pm sometimes 2am.

It is around 2am when I went down to the kitchen to grab some water. I was only wearing shorts, no bra or shirt so my boobs were open for all to see. My friend’s dad walks in and turns on the light and sees my boobs out. I instantly cand apologize. He smiles and says there isn’t a need for an apology since he finds me to be incredibly beautiful. I have to release my arms to grab my water and that is when he grabs my boobs and squeezes a few times. It could tell it was fun for him so I let him do it. He then orders me to “go to sleep to maintain my beauty” and I do just that.

Best guy friend

 Wednesday night, I was hanging out with my best guy friend. We’ve known each other since middle *****, totally platonic, nothing weird. He was making me watch Star Wars (his idea, not mine), and we were just chilling on his couch. At one point, I complained about my foot hurting from work, not expecting much.

Without hesitation, he grabbed my foot, pulled it onto his lap, and started massaging it. Then he pulled my socks off and really got into it. I didn’t think I’d enjoy it that much, but the second his fingers dug into the sore spots, I let out this little whine of relief. And then… I felt it. A slow, creeping heat settling between my legs!! My body reacting in ways I definitely wasn’t expecting.

I tried to ignore it, but then he looked at me, noticed my face flushing, and asked if I was alright. I nodded, shifting slightly, propping one knee to the side, not thinking much of it until his hands slid up to my calves, then my thighs…. I didn’t stop him.

He kept going, his touch slow, deliberate, natural, like he was testing the waters. By the time he reached my inner thighs, I knew I was wet… And then he did too, because his fingers brushed against my shorts, shifting the fabric, and there it was a wet patch darkening my baby blue panties.

I was renting a room

 I was renting a room from a guy a little older than me. We were hanging out drinking one night and he was getting real flirty. He was showing me pics on his phone then oops a duck pic popped up. It was huge! I had to go to bed because I had work early and he said stay up with me and I’ll half your rent and you can call in. We kept drinking he started touching me and in the end he offered free rent if I blew him. Of course I took it I wanted to see that huge cock! It was so big and I sucked it until he bent me over the couch and fucked me. We made an arrangement the next day and I lived there for almost 2 years

l have no gag reflex


I decided to ask my friend to come over and keep me company.. We had known each others for a long time since we were like 5 years old. We always had this friendship where people would say “they’ll definitely fuck” but it never happened because we both saw other people. We were recently both single and so I thought why not. He just had a breakup too. When he arrived I was wearing just a t shirt and some underwear. The t shirt was kinda short so you could see my ass coming out underneath. I playfully teased him a little as I led him into the living room. We chatted and chilled for a while before I moved to sit on his lap, facing towards him. We started kissing and I slowly felt him getting harder. I went down to suck his cock, letting it touch the back of my throat. My eyes watered a lot but it felt so good he came and I swallowed of course :).

raihei said:
northernenglandcouple said:
northernenglandcouple said:
Cannot load videos or photos and the links to my video in my blog do
not work...please advise
northernenglandcouple said:
furst said:
Thank you for such a wonderful comment on our last video where I
discipline my girlfriend. My girlfriends love BDSM games, I often
torture my girlfriends with whips, and sometimes they pay me back in
kind. It's a wonderful feeling. For some reason this site
doesn't publish my photos with girls. I wrote to them, but they
didn't answer.
northernenglandcouple said:
MMMMM very hot..We love watching your videos! We had a Lovely orgasm
watching this..Physical intimacy plays an important role in our
relationships you are soo hot to watch . Great collection thanks for
sharing... We play on daily ...Join us
sometime . I love to give hubby his daily BJ....Kisses Carol
muqriazhad0410 said:
Call me sweet girl
umclergy said:
You two are so active, it's great :-) Anyway, you asked
"Where were you dogging???", and to be honest we
weren't, it was just down our garden. Sorry...
seadog7 said:
Hi ***** ,,,,,,, I love your profile ,,,, Carol ,,,,,,,,,,, my
darling ,,,,,, I WANT YOU ,,,,,,,,,,,You are soooooooooo gorgeous and
sooooo hot xxxxxxxx
northernenglandcouple said:
He starts slow with hard pushes in me and then more rythmical pushes
and harder and harder and then strangles me.. I stop him because I
dont want him to come yet because I wanted to ride him :)An orgasm can
be quite a shock to the system, particularly if you didn't know
your body was capable of having one. At first, orgasms can be
surprising, accidental, or even scary (or a combination of those
feelings). In most cases, though, orgasms are fun and leave people
wanting more. Plus, everyone has orgasms at a different point in
life. Some people had an unforgettable run-in with a hot tub jet as a
***, while others had a teenage curiosity that involved stumbling upon
internet porn. Many learn to orgasm through masturbation, and some go
their whole sex life without orgasming at all.
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