pbp personal info

  United States
  • pbp

  • Tätigkeit:
  • Interessen: I Love Tributes to my pics and Vids
  • Geschlecht: Heterosexuellen Paar
  • Geburtsdatum: Juni 1972
  • Ethnische Zugehörigkeit: Andere
  • Beziehungsstatus: In einer offenen Beziehung
  • Sexualität: Hetero
  • Raucher/in: Nein
  • Körpergröße: 5 ft 3 in
  • Körperart: M


ONLY WHITE OLDER over 60 YR OLD MEN and WHITE 18-20 yr old guys UNLESS WE PICK OTHERWISE Which means, if you are not WHITE or over 60 yrs old, expect a negative response from us in most (not all) cases. Anyone not White and over 60 that she wants to be wi

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Keine Einträge.
sweetpassion24 said:
Fuck me here www.areuhorny.club
anastasial92342 said:
Hi, add Maria86 to your friends on the site:
handyman201 said:
Wow! Great videos and pics! Would love to join in on the fun!
biutifuck said:
firefighter_for_you said:
Wow, so sexy! Your videos and pictures make me so hard. I wish I
could be there with you and show you how a firefighter can use his
large "hose" to pleasure you.
hunter12 said:
i miss your videos.  You are so cute and delicious body.  Saw a
craigslist add for you in Santa Fe and thought about responding, but
can't do videos.  Would so love to though. Jeff
mezaadi77 said:
Ciao come stai? Il mio nome è Meza Adi, mi piace molto avere un buon
rapporto con voi, e ho un motivo particolare per cui ho deciso di
contattare you.I sarà come mettersi in contatto con me
(mezaadi77@yahoo.it) Parlo inglese e francese molto bene.Tuttavia
abbiamo ancora assegnare a discuss.thanks Aspetto la vostra risposta
una bella giorno.
ostpommer said:
Wow! Very nice........
alfil12 said:
You are very beautiful you have beautiful tits and a very beautiful
pussy, would like to have your friendship if want you love, and some
video and photos, kisses, love, you're very sexy, alfil12.
alfil12 said:
Hello you are beautiful, you have good tits and a beautiful pussy that
I had their riendship, if I want to love, and some videos and
pictures, I want a Kiss Love is my contribution, you're very
cute love kisses. sexy, alfil12. alfil47@hotmail.com
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  • duendes
  •   España
      60 years old
  • slaper
  •   España
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  •   2K
  •   29/01/13
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  •   10/08/09
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