hey weist du wer neben mir sitzt :) sie hat interesse an dir melde dich bitte bei lustdu.de sein nick ist anna mal sehen ob du auch interesse hast
lg anna
alfil12 said:
Hello, you're beautiful beautiful tits would like to have some video of you, I'm from Spain would like to have your friendship if you want love, you are so sexy send me some letters and some videos and photos espezar, I would love kisses I give you my email, I hope you are very nice, alfil12. alfil47@hotmail.com
misslove said:
greetings from Blessing,
I apologies for intruding into your privacy, since we don’t know each other, but pay attention and understand my reason of contacting you Please don't be angry with me my Dear i was browsing in this site and i saw your profile and your email address so i decided it is better we communicate better through email address for better talk and to tell you reason why i contacted you.
i am happy to get in contact with you after my direction to find a nice trusted and sincere reliable friend I was motivated to write to you after see your contact I know that this email will meet you in a good health and also surprised.i am here to seek your advice of which i know that it will helps me to overcome my situation,
i am presently single lady My dearest,In your usual time, may it please you to write me back in my email address. So that i will explain more about myself,my details,my pictures and purpose of writing to you. Please do not neglect a humble and lonely heart.A good friendship is the foundation build on other relative things to come. i wait patiently to hear from you.Thanks and remain blessed here is my email id blessingdickson369@yahoo.com
Yours New Friend
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