hey just saw your comment on my page. If you are still interested in me making you some vids send me some stuff. whiskeymike42@gmail.com
phiphi_5 said:
cam to cam ? phiphi_5@hotmail.com
wronngtime said:
great videos really sexy girl perfect body her tits are amazing
thegentleguy said:
That was fun, thank you
qq said:
luved the "vibe one out" vid , excellant !!!
tombradd said:
i love ur vids u two , i wud love to have some fun with u , my msn is tombradd@live.co.uk
ilhan111 said:
giz_2003@msn.com or giz_20032000@yahoo.com
add me pls you are great
mrmark2008 said:
Hey guys, absolutley lovely vids, Mrs is so so hot. More please mrmark2008@hotmail.co.uk
rutepatricia said:
So very hot ppl. Kiss you
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