Monkey Mating Marathon

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08 min 26 sek
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A fly-on-the-wall montage of what happens when you put two horny monkeys together in the same room for a few hours. We had to eat a lot of bananas to make up the calories burned on this one. Enjoy!
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Gepostet von: vx ein 2008-01-17 11:50:06
Awesome work - pity you are so camera shy - kinda spoils it cos you're not really letting yourself go trying to keep your faces off the camera... But its sexy and lovin...
Gepostet von: davisk12 ein 2008-01-17 12:01:13
wow! bravo! great! best I've seen in ten years amatuer or pro! you guys are awesome! she is so hot and responsive! dude! dude! dude! dude! dude! dude! u r the man! Seriously this one of the hottest vids I've seen in years! do it again and again .... I cannot wait... PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE!
Gepostet von: horny50 ein 2008-01-17 12:17:19 could go on & on....but you get my drift....pity one can only give five....but how about 5+5...thanks for sharing
Gepostet von: joecool_501 ein 2008-01-17 12:44:51
Great clip of two sexy people. Like the view at the end of her fantastic nipples. I would love to get teh opportunity to play with them.
Gepostet von: mark2000 ein 2008-01-17 13:00:41
This clips, should be distrubuted, by all hotel chains, titiled"Proper use of hotel furniture" Have fun
Gepostet von: underthesun ein 2008-01-17 14:04:10
..and you got the sheets or blanket messed up, either! dude, you are so the man, you are the MEN - but SHE is utterly spectacular and what makes you, you. she has a body to end all bodies, in the Pantheon of gorgeous women!
Gepostet von: gifthorse1 ein 2008-01-17 14:07:28
that was so sexy! Mrs monkey! you have a great body! those hips are astounding, and the pert breasts...... oh oh my balls are tightening.....
Gepostet von: rb83 ein 2008-01-17 14:59:53
The maid staff must've been pissed!! The room was tossed, reeked of OUTSTANDING sex, and there was She Monkey cum everywhere!!
Gepostet von: lucio_y_sole ein 2008-01-17 15:32:13
good video, and good fuckers....
Gepostet von: dildo25 ein 2008-01-17 16:03:57
Full service. Congratulations!
Gepostet von: slutpuppy66 ein 2008-01-17 16:20:22
After ALL THAT you dump on her chest? Hey man, fill that cunt with cum and let it run out for the camera!!
Gepostet von: campaign ein 2008-01-17 16:24:40
What a fab ass!
Gepostet von: simond1 ein 2008-01-17 16:36:53
You guys rock, that was so well done, keep up the good work.
Gepostet von: repro007 ein 2008-01-17 18:37:43
Phew, I,m knackered just watching you, ten out of ten for staying power, totally awesome
Gepostet von: spivey247 ein 2008-01-17 20:04:50
That's what I call getting your moneys worth from a hotel room! Beautiful!
Gepostet von: afterparty ein 2008-01-17 21:47:51
I loved this vid. It was not only sexy, but funny at times :). You too are a fun bunch!
Gepostet von: ciciabb ein 2008-01-17 23:08:45
You're very very very hot couple !!!! i'd like be there with you :-D
Gepostet von: kegelking69 ein 2008-01-17 23:33:00
Very good vid andvery hot woman
Gepostet von: Anonym ein 2008-01-18 00:04:20
super marathon...despues paso los mios... sex, drog and rock&roll
Gepostet von: redmag ein 2008-01-18 00:42:00
the best couple ever, the best position and nice to watch :) i love it!!!! waiting for more :D
Gepostet von: radoo85 ein 2008-01-18 00:48:57
you people are retarded. she's not even enjoying it. all i hear are dull grunts and pain noises while they're fucking looks like she needs to be touched during coitus. dumb sex...dumb video.
Gepostet von: Anonym ein 2008-01-18 00:51:01
A eso yo le llamo ultilzar todo el cuarto de hotel EXCELENTE VIDEO
Gepostet von: amateurlovemonkeys ein 2008-01-18 01:14:33
I beg to differ. As the female recipient of the "dumb sex" you see in the video, I can say with a surety that I did indeed enjoy it. The noises you hear are my way of expressing it. We're sorry you didn't like the video, but it's probably best not to make assumptions of things you were not certainly not a part of. Warm regards, She-Monkey
Gepostet von: trustinme ein 2008-01-18 01:18:54
Thats the way it should be done yeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhh
Gepostet von: str8int ein 2008-01-18 02:56:51
This guy must be bionic. She is a lucky girl.
Gepostet von: wetashley ein 2008-01-18 03:05:35
Love you guys, as always! Ignore the morons, you 2 are H_O_T! TY for sharing. -WetASHLEY
Gepostet von: Anonym ein 2008-01-18 04:22:21
Wow, you two really have hot, loving sex! I am dripping wet after watching it... but also smiling because the ending was sweet :)
Gepostet von: boblin123 ein 2008-01-18 05:57:38
Maybe the best video I've seen on YuVuTu. You guys are amazing.
Gepostet von: Anonym ein 2008-01-18 11:31:54
I want to be a MONKEY like you... NICE NICE NICE VID... Congratulations... Beautiful ass honeyy !!
Gepostet von: Anonym ein 2008-01-18 13:02:34
Amazing video. Congratulations!
Gepostet von: biff06 ein 2008-01-18 18:12:02
you two are the best on yuvutu another great vid keep up the great work looking forward to more greatness
Gepostet von: pitb ein 2008-01-18 19:03:14
increible,,,,,,,,,,, creen que soporto el amigo ese tanto tiempo,,,,, el dueño del hotel a de ver sido su papa,,,,,,,,jajajjajajaja
Gepostet von: Anonym ein 2008-01-18 22:10:49
monkey around I just have to watch..Just luv watching you guys.
Gepostet von: dilligaf ein 2008-01-18 23:04:23
Fucking hot!!!! Rock on with your bad selves!!
Gepostet von: nothatsmeinyourarse ein 2008-01-18 23:14:16
May you continue to monkey around for many many more sessions!! I'm knackered just watching, er yes i was just watching, but maybe u started something off!! U two are truly wonderful nothy xxx
Gepostet von: Anonym ein 2008-01-19 09:06:51
You two are absolutely awesome. both of you have awesome bodies and are such a pleasure to watch. I don't care if you hide your faces you are still awesome and a pleasure to watch. Please keep posting
Gepostet von: Anonym ein 2008-01-19 16:04:08
A wonderful compendium of multiple positions. nice sound. I especially liked the mutual masturbation scene at the end. Like many others, it could be perfection if you just showed your faces, especially when you come.
Gepostet von: ssms ein 2008-01-19 17:08:20
The passion you two share is obvious in every video you make, but it seems to me especially true in this one. To me, it is what sets you two and your videos apart and above almost everything else on this site. Thanks for sharing your intimate (and VERY sexy) times with us.
Gepostet von: analaura ein 2008-01-19 23:51:20
fantastico!! de lo mejor que he visto!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gepostet von: Anonym ein 2008-01-20 06:16:14
You guys are great to watch, so much fun. Keep up the great work
Gepostet von: jamieuk ein 2008-01-20 22:02:14
wow! if a better video exists than this, id be amazed! a fantastic montage from which we can all learn the love in a good fuck! thank you for sharing, and welcome to my favourites list!
Gepostet von: Anonym ein 2008-01-20 23:54:40
Mrs Monkey knows how I love her oral skills, but let me tell you something girl. When you got into that reverse cowgirl, after about 7 sec. of seeing that lovely ASS, I lost it. keep them cuming.
Gepostet von: stockpicker ein 2008-01-21 19:38:07
wonderful monkey sex. Great job.
Gepostet von: rocklos ein 2008-01-21 20:04:50
great video. Love the wife's ass
Gepostet von: gloriann ein 2008-01-22 06:48:20
You two are the best, thank you so much for sharing.
Gepostet von: Anonym ein 2008-01-22 12:24:52
Hey Hey We're The Monkeys!! a great video
Gepostet von: sugarcube ein 2008-01-22 18:05:58
As usual, you two take my breath away. Such wonderful lovemaking. So sensual, so creative and SO HOT!! I love the points when your were kissing. Totally awesome video. Thanks for sharing it with us!!
Gepostet von: jimball04 ein 2008-01-22 23:40:49
thankyou for sharing x
Gepostet von: Anonym ein 2008-01-23 18:24:01
Amazing fuck, I guess all the guys out there learned something from this video. THIS IS WHAT I SEE WHEN SOMEONE SAID I FUCKED THE SHIT OUT OF THAT GIRL.
Gepostet von: Anonym ein 2008-01-23 18:44:09
That hotel room will never be the same!
Gepostet von: Anonym ein 2008-01-25 07:37:11
You Are GODS
Gepostet von: Anonym ein 2008-01-25 20:06:17
Gepostet von: Anonym ein 2008-01-25 20:24:03
i love your videos !!!
Gepostet von: Anonym ein 2008-01-26 07:40:19
Woa a horny bitch! Just had the biggest cum from my 5 fingered friend.
Gepostet von: sumyungguy ein 2008-01-28 05:22:06
What happened to the FRUIT VIDEO?
Gepostet von: Anonym ein 2008-01-30 13:14:24
You are a great couple .you videos are sexy,good quality and on high standard, not just an amateur video. Very passionate. My favourite part when you fuck next to the wall. Will you submit these part of it in full time? Pleease Monkeys;) And the finish with the monkey:D you have a great humour
Gepostet von: amateurlovemonkeys ein 2008-02-02 02:20:11
Thank you for the very kind comments, everyone. ~He-Monkey
Gepostet von: Anonym ein 2008-02-09 13:55:40
AMAZING thank u guys!!!
Gepostet von: Anonym ein 2008-02-10 10:31:28
Gepostet von: geordieboy ein 2008-02-11 22:28:00
the best vid on the site.great that
Gepostet von: penguine ein 2008-02-20 12:43:58
what a marathon fuck and sooo many positions
Gepostet von: Anonym ein 2008-02-23 07:44:52
Gepostet von: Anonym ein 2008-02-28 06:31:41
i love sex and love meet a female who loves sexx as much as me or even more ,
Gepostet von: hotmilwcpl ein 2008-02-29 20:16:22
I might be mistaken, but I think you guys missed one, itsy-bitsy spot of the room! I'm sure the maid was pleased, however. For real, lol this vid should be a primer for how to spend an afternoon w/ your hot love interest. Way to hit ALL the positions! Two faves for me: the way her sweaty chest was rising and falling, capturing her breath after all that wicked lovemaking, and two, the f**king teddy bear! That rocked and brought it home, you two are in love and this is real. Cool shit.
Gepostet von: malar ein 2008-03-02 01:49:00
I am mesmerized. Fucking hot, nuff said!!!
Gepostet von: Anonym ein 2008-03-04 04:45:32
I don't know if it is possible to fuck ones brains out but I would fucking love to let the she monkey try and do it to me. She could do what ever she wants to me no holds barred.
Gepostet von: brock ein 2008-03-14 07:58:51
her hips are flawless.. you two are inspirational
Gepostet von: aveclevin ein 2008-03-15 04:33:30
very professional hot video. compliments. Fantastic
Gepostet von: Anonym ein 2008-03-15 09:36:54
We need some more videos of this couple they are awesome and gorgeous at the same time. Please post some new vids
Gepostet von: progressive_economist ein 2008-03-19 06:07:04
This was an absolutely lovely video. I much prefer this over the usual "fuck me, fuck me, *scream,* *shout*" type of unrealistic film. Here are two real people who are madly in love sharing their love with the rest of the world, and it is beautiful.
Gepostet von: lou50 ein 2008-03-20 15:09:25
loved it you guys!!! you's can monkey around in my tree anytime!!! thanks for posting
Gepostet von: melissabilly ein 2008-03-21 22:16:41
Wow u two are great...No shit you two need those banana's.....Keep it up you two...AMAZINGGGGGG 5 stars.....
Gepostet von: Anonym ein 2008-04-05 17:03:06
I am 61 and still get nice and hard, but getting off is at best once a day. I was stroking watching a bunch of vids and found The Cum Story. Great way to use classical music by the way. So I am stroking away, watched your newest vids and cummed real good on this one. Shot my load out quite a bit this time. Luv hearing you fuck while typing this note. Keep fucking, make more vids.
Gepostet von: Anonym ein 2008-04-05 17:20:06
I stay at hotel and love hearing people fucking up a storm next door. But would appreciate it if you would turn down the bed cover and fuck on the sheets. The sheets get washed after each guest, but not the bed cover. I loved watching the fast transition to each position and sound effects and recording were superior. You make the best vids and a real joy to jerk off with you. I am going to watch again and cum with you guys.
Gepostet von: longtoss ein 2008-05-10 18:37:20
You forgot to use the headboard
Gepostet von: clemenza ein 2008-05-15 23:59:55
Gepostet von: Anonym ein 2008-05-27 21:10:20
Great stuff. How sex should always be.
Gepostet von: Anonym ein 2008-06-25 09:30:27
Just one of the sexiest girl on yuvutu
Gepostet von: Anonym ein 2008-07-05 15:29:54
You two have some of the best vids with great chemistry. Keep sweating and rollin tape. bat69
Gepostet von: jerrybrasil ein 2008-08-15 13:53:37
great video!! one of the best!!!!is she into a threesome?? a dp maybe??
Gepostet von: pollo68al ein 2008-11-19 05:55:22
Precioso video. Y ella tiene las mejores caderas que he visto!!
Gepostet von: calinette ein 2008-11-23 22:34:14
what a dream night ! lol valerie
Gepostet von: rastaa ein 2009-02-13 16:47:23
u are the best bb love u kissessexy
Gepostet von: magallanex73 ein 2009-02-17 23:29:13
You are a sensational fuckers,amanzing cuple.Fantastic clip.
Gepostet von: Anonym ein 2009-03-28 01:45:04
Nice job, good looking couple. You look like you had fun doing this one and the ending gave me a laugh.
Gepostet von: webwanker ein 2009-06-02 05:54:07
This is a highly erotic and sexy video ! Watching you two monkeys mate is pure delight and I had to rub my stiff banana all the time .
Gepostet von: Anonym ein 2009-07-17 22:00:31
Como são gostosos estes momentos de puro tesão e prazer.
Gepostet von: valuer ein 2009-08-06 22:40:52
excellent!!!! your rythme, the positions everything! I would love to see u two perform anal intercourse
Gepostet von: Anonym ein 2009-09-07 08:56:35
Gepostet von: carlitos40 ein 2009-09-15 08:53:49
Fantástico. Sabeis disfrutar de lo lindo. Me gustado mucho el video.
Gepostet von: carlitos40 ein 2009-09-15 08:53:49
Fantástico. Sabeis disfrutar de lo lindo. Me gustado mucho el video.
Gepostet von: Anonym ein 2009-10-01 06:14:20
Sin palabras que buen video, ella es tan sexy y emotiva muy original su video Muchas Muchas Felicidades Wooouuuu, aun sigo exitado
Gepostet von: pajargento ein 2009-10-09 19:57:49
que poca imaginacion, solo la tradicional!...
Gepostet von: jlui056 ein 2009-11-07 22:01:51
wao in those times the k kisiera be me on your side baby
Gepostet von: Anonym ein 2009-12-26 17:48:39
Marathon...I only lasted 20 seconds HOT!!
Gepostet von: studdman_456 ein 2010-01-25 11:50:34
Please excuse my words for you 2 when you 2 fuck around you 2 really fuck around that was awesome doing it differnt araes of the room wow now i know your hot lady is 1 hot women and beautiful and nice hard nipples
Gepostet von: studdman_456 ein 2010-01-25 11:54:43
Gepostet von: studdman_456 ein 2010-02-24 12:11:31
ok this is the 3rd time i posted on your site on here your wife is always a turn on wow wish we could get together for a 3 way would like to do your wife as hot as she is
Gepostet von: strunz ein 2010-04-27 23:52:34
sei super ti scoperei tutta dalla mattina alla sera. un bacio
Gepostet von: Anonym ein 2010-05-29 15:35:41
Thanks you naughty monkeys, that was simply awesome
Gepostet von: longerdeeperharder ein 2010-07-16 01:18:58
Is the there any position you didn't try, or any piece of furniture you didn't use in this sex marathon?? Could either of you actually walk after having your genitals so relentlessly pumped? As usual you both look utterly sexy and gorgeous. Please keep posting, and I'll keep watching and commenting.
Gepostet von: studdman_456 ein 2011-05-24 06:44:47
Cool video very hot your video is soooo hot made my cum so hard all over my own chest
Gepostet von: obzerver ein 2011-09-29 09:15:26
awesome!!! just awesome!!!
Gepostet von: studdman_456 ein 2012-01-10 08:32:42
why dose your wife hide her face in this video? your wife is stunging and very lovely nice body good job you 2
Gepostet von: baronsaber ein 2012-03-06 06:30:01
may I be next??????!!!!!!!
Gepostet von: studdman_456 ein 2012-03-17 12:05:46
I hope the maid clean the table after you two had sex on that table
Gepostet von: alain ein 2012-03-23 00:48:00
happy monkeys...... enjoy it...
Gepostet von: Anonym ein 2012-04-26 16:00:45
right on you 2 keep up the good job
Gepostet von: Anonym ein 2012-06-23 23:10:22
you are a good fuck i would love to fuck you
Gepostet von: 99money ein 2016-07-19 05:03:13
Very hot!!!!!
Gepostet von: ingy ein 2016-07-19 08:55:26
I still enjoy watching your videos and I really REALLY want to swap place with Mrs Monkey!!! Love you two and I do hope you come back one day! xxx (former Exwife/Exy, now Ingy)
Gepostet von: Anonym ein 2016-12-08 14:26:58
Ihr habt es so toll getrieben. Aber warum spritzt du ihr auf die Brüste und nicht in die Möse? Wenn du schon die Brüste bedientst, dann leck sie anschließend wenigstens ab.
Gepostet von: Anonym ein 2017-06-06 22:37:25
i would love to fuck you
Gepostet von: Anonym ein 2020-06-05 14:39:06
Guys better stop jerking off and fuck real woman in your city, find them on
Gepostet von: Anonym ein 2020-06-06 01:57:25
Fellas better stop fapping and fuck real woman in your city, find them on
Gepostet von: Anonym ein 2020-06-12 11:23:47
Fellas better stop fapping and fuck real woman in your city, you can find them on