Vertical Piss

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01 min 52 sek
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Self ***** Girl
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Gepostet von: stroke4u ein 2008-05-27 15:30:38
OMG that warm stream running down over those sweet tits has me so damn hard. Love to see you piss all over some pix of my cock. That would be such a turn on
Gepostet von: amadeomatthew ein 2008-05-27 16:09:22
NOW I've seen it all.........I think.
Gepostet von: jo46 ein 2008-05-27 16:23:31
what a hot pee
Gepostet von: warthog5 ein 2008-05-27 17:21:59
Very nice manicured lawn. HeHe Both of them. :) What a gorgeous gal you are. :)
Gepostet von: pornoteufel ein 2008-05-27 17:30:00
This is wonderfulllll!!!!
Gepostet von: deepput ein 2008-05-27 18:25:23
Nice we wait your next video "shit and eat" this is sex? ?????
Gepostet von: wjerry ein 2008-05-27 18:43:39
First of all, she is a doll !! I am not usually into this type of thing but this is a very erotic video. I gave it 5 stars.
Gepostet von: louche ein 2008-05-27 18:52:10
OMFG. very erotic. geez. god i'm such a purve. :0)
Gepostet von: femaleflowerlover ein 2008-05-27 19:12:36
I'm not normally into this kind of stuff either, but it turned me on. She ought to try a second video in that vertical pose with a dildo or vibrator going inside her. Just watching a toy go in that way even wiht no orgasm would be a great rush.
Gepostet von: 8justin ein 2008-05-27 20:45:46
Just kidding, beautiful. You are so cute and sweet-looking. Please, no more tatoos, those things make a person look low-brow; just a friendly suggestion. Thanks for posting such a unique position.
Gepostet von: arschvoetzchen ein 2008-05-28 01:47:33
wonderful fountain
Gepostet von: j7vlr ein 2008-05-28 01:56:08
She is so sexy she can piss for me anytime.
Gepostet von: sexycolombian ein 2008-05-28 04:04:24
Longest piss ever....
Gepostet von: onemorefor69 ein 2008-05-28 04:20:30
That was one of the sexiest videos I have ever seen. Makes me want to drink from that fountain.
Gepostet von: shadylane601 ein 2008-05-28 04:34:21
I don't get it! Bizarre!
Gepostet von: patton10 ein 2008-05-28 06:50:10
bravo per questo video rigolote modo di fare urina e graziosa corpo grazie
Gepostet von: lisa77 ein 2008-05-28 08:48:18
That is super sexy
Gepostet von: barrymz2 ein 2008-05-28 12:28:22
peeing up tits down
Gepostet von: jeffery19677 ein 2008-05-29 06:01:32
I never considered drinking a womans piss until I saw piss coming from your pretty little shaved pussy. Now I have got to find a gf who will let me. I think I am in love with Keep the sexy vids cumming.... thank you for posting.
Gepostet von: desaparesido ein 2008-05-29 09:21:07
Penso che una deficente come questa , insieme al suo compare che la riprende, siano da ricovero in Manicomio, avendo l'accortezza di buttare via la chiave. Una vera schifezza. Vergognatevi!
Gepostet von: underthesun ein 2008-05-29 14:22:49
sheer brillance! the very height of creativity and erotic genius...
Gepostet von: donduraduro ein 2008-05-29 15:43:21
ahahh non mi era mai passato per la amente di far fare uan fontana di pioggia dorata all'inverso!!! stupenda fantasia!!! libidinosa...porca...bella ed assai maiala!!!! di dove siete? baci viziosi e baganti di piss
Gepostet von: lagarcesm ein 2008-05-29 18:38:13
quel beau champagne, ça donne envie de le déguster à la source. Original et très excitant..bravo
Gepostet von: juraissicjet ein 2008-05-30 00:11:52
Hmmm now that is a great fountain and just the right height to drink from...maybe even be able to let go myself!
Gepostet von: ichich ein 2008-05-30 15:40:46
very hit! Nice girl!
Gepostet von: dickturpin ein 2008-05-30 23:53:49
awesome *****, would love to drink out of that fountain
Gepostet von: jackd719 ein 2008-05-31 09:32:52
do it again, but do a cartwheel at the same that would be talent at its best!
Gepostet von: jackd719 ein 2008-05-31 09:44:08
very talented....nxt time do a cartwheel while you do your thing!
Gepostet von: jackd719 ein 2008-05-31 09:48:56
nxt time do that while doing a cartwheel! now thats talent at its best!
Gepostet von: peenut ein 2008-08-20 06:42:30
I ned to stop shaking, hell I can't even work the fucking keys I am so moved by this performance.
Gepostet von: prottos ein 2008-11-26 07:36:59
complimenti oltre che estremamente eccitante questo video è molto ... difficoltoso... un bacio Marco
Gepostet von: skipper44 ein 2009-05-22 15:04:43
wonderfull, perfect, I never see this before Hotwife with a perfect body
Gepostet von: boguer ein 2009-06-04 22:41:45
shes so gorgeous, and we wanna see her piss over and over again. Please post some news vids
Gepostet von: spongerobnopants ein 2009-10-25 06:51:09
Incredibly sexy and sooo hot :) Thanks
Gepostet von: hubert19642000 ein 2009-11-01 22:24:02
you are the best
Gepostet von: justonlyme ein 2009-11-19 14:31:56
...that´s absolutly great.....i love it ...let us piss together... watch my videos....... want to drink out of your sey spring...mmmmmmmmmh xxx justin
Gepostet von: schnellerfinger ein 2009-11-23 17:49:46
betrachte dich als geküsst
Gepostet von: schnellerfinger ein 2009-11-23 17:49:50
betrachte dich als geküsst
Gepostet von: onewetip ein 2010-03-25 15:02:43
What an mazing piss, made me so bloody horney. Gorgeous figure, sweet tits and a cunt that I want suck and suck on, then to see how attractive you are, and with the most kissable mouth. What a sexy and erotic woman
Gepostet von: fortitudo ein 2010-03-26 15:25:38
bellissimaaaa l'avrei voluta tutta sul mio viso
Gepostet von: brnastyman ein 2010-06-01 23:24:21
EVERYTHING about this vid was a huge turn on! thanks for sharing.
Gepostet von: hillbilly65 ein 2010-09-22 19:21:30
lass mich mal mitmachen
Gepostet von: nw-fan ein 2010-11-23 23:58:12
so fucking filthy! more, please! Let your cameraman piss in your ass.
Gepostet von: spongerobnopants ein 2011-03-31 18:30:24
you are so sexy hot.....
Gepostet von: boo66 ein 2011-05-11 18:59:01
originale,molto sexy,bravi
Gepostet von: addominal ein 2011-08-19 10:59:04
i want under your pussy.....mmmmmmm
Gepostet von: rocksoff ein 2012-08-18 22:02:09
now that's a fountain I would love to drink from
Gepostet von: shelee ein 2014-08-22 20:13:14
shes amazing, so athletic, and a pussy and ass hole are stunnung, i need to taste her piss.
Gepostet von: bearing57 ein 2014-11-17 02:55:16
I would love to lick the piss off your entire beautiful body, starting at your tits and working my way up to your beautiful pussy!!!!!
Gepostet von: rocksoff ein 2017-06-04 09:55:48
Awesome talent
Gepostet von: vanman16 ein 2018-08-28 19:39:45
she is really cute and would love to eat at the Y in that position and she could suck on mine, she id very HOT and enthusiastic! :-)
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