Tammy on her back -2min52

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02 min 53 sek
Mal angesehen:
She needs a gag
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Gepostet von: Anonym ein 2006-11-05 14:49:01
you r a great fuck. spice it up with some dirty talk and another person or toy. keep up the GREAT work!!!!
Gepostet von: Anonym ein 2006-11-05 15:06:41
Let's see her tits covered in cum...she is so horny!!!!
Gepostet von: Anonym ein 2006-11-05 23:06:29
Let's see more of Tammy, and please keep talking. What could be hotter than a woman saying she loves cock, and loves to fuck? I say keep it up. WE WANT MORE!! The longer the better.
Gepostet von: Anonym ein 2006-11-06 04:40:31
She's not a super model but She's a million times sexier than any one of them all of them put together for that matter Tammy you make me weak in the knees Hell you make me want to get on my knees and worship your pussy
Gepostet von: bacardincola4me ein 2006-11-06 07:14:21
What..? no creampie?
Gepostet von: Anonym ein 2006-11-06 17:30:05
wud luv to fuck u baby and i am 67
Gepostet von: Anonym ein 2006-11-15 18:51:59
I'm with barcardincola4me...show us the cum ozzing out your beautifully fucked ppussy. You're hot, and that would be wild. How about two unloading inside you and you pushing it out for the camera? Please!
Gepostet von: Anonym ein 2006-11-17 05:08:18
I would fuck this old bag.
Gepostet von: Anonym ein 2006-11-26 10:25:12
if you com to portugal tell me sexy woman jorgecoelho333@hotmail.com. kiss
Gepostet von: Anonym ein 2006-12-01 06:19:02
this is the kind of woman you would instantly regret having sex with... fuck i am regreting jerking off to this... god shes so horrible ugly
Gepostet von: Anonym ein 2006-12-07 03:05:09
Physical attraction is a matter of personal taste. Tammy is making love passionately, which is beautiful. What is ugly is the ignorant cruelty of a guy that cannot appreciate such a woman and instead insults her. Grow up.
Gepostet von: Anonym ein 2006-12-09 13:24:12
tel sexy +212061630562 et thank four you
Gepostet von: Anonym ein 2006-12-18 09:57:45
Old, fat, hairy och sloppy tits. O points!!! at least ur dick is hard this time
Gepostet von: Anonym ein 2007-01-13 00:01:49
Gepostet von: Anonym ein 2007-02-12 19:38:03
Gepostet von: virgil ein 2007-03-06 23:37:59
Asa arata un futing real. Bravo fetito iti ureaza din toata inima virconst@xnet.ro sau Virgil Constantinescu
Gepostet von: ryder ein 2007-05-09 08:37:35
Tammy, Thanks for sharing; at least you showed some emotion, which is a heck of a lot more than many of the other dry video's I've seen on this site.
Gepostet von: Anonym ein 2007-05-21 16:48:03
god i would love to fuck that milf
Gepostet von: Anonym ein 2017-03-14 14:58:41
I do believe that Miss Tammy loves to be fucked. Next time why not stick it in her BEAUTIFUL ASS?
Gepostet von: 99money ein 2017-08-26 18:04:30
Nice fucking!!!!!!!