On our Fuck Day

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01 min 55 sek
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On our Fuck Day. I average 3 times...one by hand, one in her mouth and a the last one in pussy. I'm sure you can go twice and if you are really aroused by your partner, 3 times in a 24 hour period is possible for a fit man of 55 with no preexisting conditions. You won't have a teaspoon of ejaculate each time but you can orgasm.Every individual will be different, of course, with their own set of specific sexual preferences.
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Gepostet von: northernenglandcouple ein 2024-09-14 11:03:28
He feels so fucking good, a phrase my wife repeated while getting her first big dick. So strange that in that situation my wife’s guard was obviously down. She kept saying that every time she made eye contact with me. I asked if he felt better than me and she didn’t answer so I asked again quietly in her ear. She just started saying “ oh yes, oh yeah, a lot better. She was shy about saying it in front of my friend, once he was gone I was going down on her and she started telling me how much better it was, his big dick and me watching was her story. I guess me watching, her first time with two
Gepostet von: northernenglandcouple ein 2024-10-22 23:48:42
Hello everyone. We are a UK couple united and very much in love. We are Carol and George from Northern England near Sheffield..We had a Lovely orgasm watching this..Physical intimacy plays an important role in our relationships you are soo hot to watch . When sex falls by the wayside, other issues tend to flare up as well. Couples feel less connected and bonded, and as a result they tend to be less affectionate and loving. Sex helps to keep relationships strong and happy, but the benefits of sexual pleasure don t end there. Regular orgasms can play an important role in our emotional and physic
Gepostet von: otta80 ein 2024-11-19 06:13:00
love how she played with your nipples while you were deep inside. more please.