Standing Cum

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01 min 25 sek
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I got VERY horny and decided to film myself wanking standing up. I love how stiff my cock is in this one! Also note how my balls contract and rise as I cum my load. I normally make much more noise than this too but there were others in the house so I had to be quiet, although if you turn the sound up you can hear a subdued grunt as my orgasm hits me. I'd be interested to hear what viewers think of my curved cock and of my techniques as they're not the standard 'apply fist and pump' methods, particularly the way I twist the tip of my foreskin in my fingers - I don't think I've seen anyone else do that. It feels very intense though so I'd recommend anyone to give it a try if they can!
Männliche Masturb.
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Gepostet von: Anonym ein 2010-07-02 08:52:27
Come on then Harry ...let's have one when you are alone so we can hear you cumming
Gepostet von: onewetip ein 2010-07-02 18:33:57
nice cock and great wanking action.
Gepostet von: harry_mcbeal ein 2010-07-07 20:40:23
I don't often get the house to myself but next time I do and I'm horny I'll film myself cumming hard. I'm pretty loud when I know I can't be heard!!
Gepostet von: raptor ein 2010-07-11 06:05:28
I would happily have done that for you.
Gepostet von: owdlad ein 2016-03-06 12:27:49
Still turns me on, want to get my mouth on that cock!
Gepostet von: inno1 ein 2020-05-27 22:09:01
Fabulous cock and balls. Love your foreskin so much