my girl masturbating

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04 min 02 sek
Mal angesehen:
she had some fun while i was out at work
Weibliche Masturb.
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Gepostet von: happyrtp ein 2011-03-07 13:08:41
i think you zoomed in too close, i love to see the lady AND pussy or is it just me? no offence tho
Gepostet von: tribfan ein 2011-03-07 18:54:10
she filmed it herself with her cell phone, maybe it is a bit close but id rather have it real and natural than some fake set up movie .. i think fore front of her mind was fucking herself ... haha but .. i think she did great.. and there are 2 more parts to this video too lol
Gepostet von: fose2007 ein 2011-03-07 20:03:37
That has to be the smoothest, wettest pussy I have seen. Please keep her cumming. Sound would be good and as much as I love the close up, it would be great to see more of her.
Gepostet von: tribfan ein 2011-03-07 20:11:40
well i cant change what she has already filmed but i`ll post some pics tonight for you , thanks for all the great comments, hopefully reading them will turn her on so much she makes a few more videos for us :p
Gepostet von: yarrum123 ein 2011-03-08 01:24:48
my my my what a hot juicey pussy she to see a womans natural pussy juices oozing out like that, cant wait to see her next postings!!!
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