Sugar's Plum Re-post

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05 min 43 sek
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A Holiday Re-post from a couple of years ago during the Holiday season, We had the opportunity to meet for a long afternoon of enjoyment. This "tasting" was just part of the fun since She loves it and He has a "taste" for pleasing her. As always, polite comments are welcomed.
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Gepostet von: tuthmosezz ein 2011-03-22 21:21:45
Sure wish I was between her legs! Lovely stuff! Thanks!! She's lovely!
Gepostet von: syllabous ein 2011-03-22 21:44:39
We love you guys.....we have been missing your wife love you as well....
Gepostet von: daoldwudman ein 2011-03-22 21:51:19
Not sure what "polite" comments are but I luv the way she holds his head, arches her back and grinds her pussy on his mouth. That was HOT, HOT, HOT and I wish it was done with ME, ME, ME
Gepostet von: sparky4691 ein 2011-03-22 22:36:30
Politely, I ask all you videographers to put the camera on the area where the action is happening - like your tongue on her pussy in this case - with enough lighting. In other words, don't have anything blocking the action.
Gepostet von: princecharles ein 2011-03-23 01:05:35
Sooooo, glad you and your beautiful queen are backon the radar. Please post again!
Gepostet von: call4ed ein 2011-03-23 02:13:19
May I have a taste? What a sexy, mature woaman you are.
Gepostet von: techeng ein 2011-03-23 20:08:03
Superb yet again
Gepostet von: biker_061 ein 2011-03-29 17:16:28
wonderful to see a mature couple who know how to enjoy each other. wonder if he cums on the sheets as i often do when the OL gets off like this???
Gepostet von: dirtyhtx ein 2012-06-06 19:38:48
What a beautiful display of love and affection. I find it increasingly difficult to find real female orgasms within this community, most are just women masturbating. I love the fact that your man was able to get you off in this way, love the way you arch your back and smother him as you reach climax. I could tell it was intense by the way you tried to push him away near the end of the video.
Gepostet von: 99money ein 2016-12-23 00:47:46
That very well done.I would love to make her cum like that!!!!
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