voyeurperv personal info

  United States
  • voyeurperv

  • Tätigkeit:
  • Interessen: Voyeur, tits, round ass, legs, bald/shaved pussy fan, woman and their toys
  • Geschlecht: Männlich
  • Geburtsdatum:
  • Ethnische Zugehörigkeit: Weiß
  • Beziehungsstatus:
  • Sexualität: Hetero
  • Raucher/in: Nein
  • Körpergröße:
  • Körperart: M


Mature male, average height, weight, built. Married 20+ years. Prude of a wife, not adventurous at all. Sex not often, at least not for me. Sorry I am whining. My sex drive has gone up as I mature, wife's has diminished. I am to wordy, it cut me off

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General Intro

Hello, new here and just thought I would express some thoughts. I have been off and on many of porn sites, like to watch, quiet voyeur.  I am a fan of all woman, above the age 30+, don't need to see any ***** fucking and sucking, they are going to regret some of their posts in the future. I am not the morale judge. 

Love a good pair of natural breasts, fine legs that lead to a lovely ass, a big fan of bald/shaved pussy (shows off a womans lovely lips that way)

Been married 20++ years. Good woman, just not the sexual drive that I have.  Thought that a womans sexual drive was supposed to increase with age and a mans decrease.  Just to opposite for us.  When we do have sex it is great. love to tease and play with her lovely body. I try my best to make sure she orgasms numerous times before a good fucking. Love licking her puss to orgasm and teasing her wth toys and vibs. She is quiet for most sex session, I enjoy a good loud fuck.  We are empty nesters now so she is starting to come out of her shell a little. Was hoping by this time we would be running arond the house nude and fucking and sucking in every room of the house. Not so. Started keeping track a few years ago about how many times we fucked. Surpised even me. Average over the last 5 years is 12 fuck session a year.  Laugh at me, cry with me, make fun of me, or pitty me.  Doesn't matter.

Going to try and use this as an outlet for conversation and venting frustration.  Thank you in advance for allowing me to view you fucking and sucking.


eden0397 said:
18+ >>>>>
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