welshcouple2008 personal info

  United Kingdom
  • welshcouple2008

  • Tätigkeit:
  • Interessen:
  • Geschlecht: Weiblich
  • Geburtsdatum: März
  • Ethnische Zugehörigkeit:
  • Beziehungsstatus: In einer offenen Beziehung
  • Sexualität: Bisexuell
  • Raucher/in:
  • Körpergröße:
  • Körperart:


Young attractive couple from South Wales in the UK. Looking to meet new people and make new friends. Love all aspects of life. If any couple or ladies would like to chat on webcam or phone, we use msn and would love to hear from you.

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saucy_pear said:
Hi, we're also a young south wales couple, if ud like 2hear more
send us a msg :)
fizzio said:
Hi you sound very interesting,would you lik a warm up massage for one
or both of you in your own home .Would only indulge if invited.My
service is free and at your requests,fizzio4u@hotmail.co.uk
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  • platico
  •   España
      54 years old
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