firsttimecouple personal info

  • firsttimecouple

  • Tätigkeit:
  • Interessen: Chat with straight males or couples who may eventually get to play with her in audio/cam chat
  • Geschlecht: Heterosexuellen Paar
  • Geburtsdatum:
  • Ethnische Zugehörigkeit: Weiß
  • Beziehungsstatus: In einer monogamen Beziehung
  • Sexualität: Hetero
  • Raucher/in: Nein
  • Körpergröße: 165 cm 5 ft 7 in
  • Körperart: L


Please be pervy, but polite :) You may get lucky and eventually get an audio or cam date with her ;). She does enjoy watching cams (sometimes) - she REALLY prefers AU/NZ and Brit accents!! She is EXTREMELY.. enthusiastic.. when talked to properly:

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How to get your wife to join Yuvu - a personal success story by Mr FTC

 This is the story of how I got my wife to join yuvutu with me - I've told it a few times in general chat - if you want to get your wife involved on here, maybe my story will help inspire you to success (no guarantees will be made - tread carefully!)

  Like many couples who have been married for a while (we are both 40), our sex life had decreased steadily over the past couple years.  To the point for me, the male, where it was becoming frustrating,  and for her it was becoming frustrating for another reason and more of an 'obligation'. I'm sure that will resonate with quite a few of you who are in a similar situation.  Without getting into the details, I tried a lot of different things to try and rekindle the sexual spark, with very little success.. We had watched porn together off and on over the years and I had noticed (and she had said) she has a preference for threesome porn but even that she wasn't really interested in watching with me anymore.... Until one day.....

  She was at work and I noticed a groupon offer for a dating site (for those of you who don't have groupon in the world, it's essentially a website which has a daily offer for a discounted product of some kind - you buy whatever at a discount and can redeem the offer at the website/story/whatever).  As a joke, I sent her a link to the groupon - fully expecting her to come back with a snappy answer of 'you going to find yourself a new girlfriend" or something like that but instead she wrote "okay, but which one of us would join?"... whaaaaaat.  I totally didn't expect that answer... so, cautiously, I mentioned that there are other sites where couples can join.  Sites for dating, or talking, or chatting, or camming or dirty chatting, or whatever.  (For the record, I was not a member of yuvu or any other similar site prior to us coming on here together - I had definately watched porn, but never chatted online with people before).  She said something like "really?  You're probably already on there" and I reassured her I certainly wasn't.  She then said I probably just wanted to go on so I could watch girls or hit on them.  THIS WAS KEY FOR ME GUYS - I told her it was not at all for me - it was COMPLETELY for her and that I wanted to see her flirt and play and get turned on.  That's what I enjoy.  I told her NO pressure at all.. we could go on together, see what was what and go slow and whatever she felt comfortable with was fine with me.

  I then set about finding a site that would be good for us that night when we got the ***** to bed - after quite a bit of searching and quick exploring, I settled on yuvu.  Seemed to be the right mix of chatting and nothing too graphic too fast (lots of scary sites out there) as well as amateur which is what we wanted - and FREE :).

  So - we got the ***** to bed that night and she started to have a few drinks of the alcoholic variety to relax a bit (she was quite nervous!) and we went online.  I don't really remember that first hour or so - if we talked to anyone or if anyone talked to us, but I do remember that we finally ended up going into a PM chat with a nice Brit guy (you know who you are :)).  Mrs was feeling the alcohol quite a bit by this point but she was still extremely shy and reserved and nervous.  The chat FINALLY started getting away from the 'getting to know each other' phase (which lasted a LONG time :)) and went a bit dirty.  Very tame by our standards today mind you :D but at the time, for her, was extremely shocking.  He would say something and she would type something back and ask me "is that okay?" and I would reassure her that it was fine, and I was okay with it.  He would say something a bit dirtier and she would type something and look at me to make sure I was okay with it.  I kept nodding and telling her it was fine.  I actually had to push her that first night to say things dirty - she was so nervous and uncomfortable with it - it was such a foreign concept to her... 'my husband is okay with me flirting with other guys?!' - it went against everything she had done before in her life - suppressing any feelings of that kind.  

  From there, it was basically just more and more chat that kept geting dirtier, and dirtier and dirtier... eventually, after quite a bit of time, he proposed an audio chat in private.  Needless to say she was VERY nervous and was asking me if she should or shouldn't.  Even I was a bit leery of this - I had never planned for it to go this far tonight!  I was okay with it enough i guess, and luckily she had drank a few drinks and was willing to try it - "we can always just turn the computer off if it's weird!" and away to the basement we went for privacy (just in case of waking the *****).


continuation of story


  Well - after a few technical difficulties, we finally were able to get into audio chat with him and she was still quite nervous, but WOW was she turned on (did I mention that she finds the Brit, Aussie and Kiwi accent VERY sexy and a huge turnon?) - she heard his voice and was essentially instantly soaking wet.  After a few awkward minutes they finally started talking dirty to each other and I was doing stuff to her and, well, it basically turned into a 'virtual threesome'.  He was saying what he would do to her if he was there while I was doing stuff to her.  She came that first night maybe, I don't know 10 times?  She was loud, she was aggressive, she was horny as FUCK and just wanted to get fucked, pounded, slammed, whatever.  After that, she was absolutely hooked.

  To this day, we still tell each other everything that happens - at least of consequence - in regards to the site.  I still don't actually do anything in the room (other than chat) - I occasionally glance at cams, but the whole experience really is still about her flirting, perving and audio/camming with guys (and maybe girls sometime in the future...).

  I can't promise that this will work for all/a few/any of you guys out there, but I suspect if you make it all about HER like I did, some of you will have some success.  I wish you luck - and hope to see you both inside.


Friend Requests
Now that we have a couple of photos up, the unsolicited friend requests have already started. We will NOT accept any friend requests from people we have never even chatted with online, so please don't even bother. If we chat online and get along, feel free to send a friend request. :) Thanks.
General Info
Just a bit more information about us that wouldn't fit into the description. It is best to PM us right away (it won't bother us) instead of whispering as we are quite often logged into the site but we aren't watching the screen much and are likely to miss your whisper. We are a couple, and we only play as a couple but we will gladly chat and get to know you better if only one of us is on. We will also tell you up front whether it is the Mr., Mrs. or both that is talking to you at the time. We are looking to chat, which may lead to dirty chat if you are compatible and, if that goes well, possibly to audio. We do NOT cam on the first date so please don't ask or you will be ignored. We MAY cam with you, but that's only after we get to know you better first (although the Mrs. has admitted to a weakness of watching a guy while we are in audio with him if he so desires to share - but is by no means mandatory :)). Politeness counts as well - don't PM us for the first time and tell us that your "cock is hard and wants to be sucked"... make nice and get to know us a bit first. Thanks! Talk soon we hope!
josephine4191 said:
Hi, add Maria86 to your friends on the site:
schiebleanderson said:
My names are sergeant Schieble Anderson , i will be very happy to be
your friend, reply back to me here He s my email address please
drive to me on my email nom My email Address:
clitsuker said:
hi UK here loved your story, never seen you in YU!! shame, I am often
on there and love playing on there in wifes panties, if you were
interested in cam, chat, please get in touch, thks,
jd11 said:
miss you :(
dantes7 said:
wow beautiful photos
jd11 said:
is the miss around?
jd11 said:
i miss you ms. ftc!!!
easyriderwzl said:
great tities I came twice on those pics
j7vlr said:
I really enjoyed our brief conversation Saturday night. She are an
incredibly lovely woman. You said your breasts were your better half,
but let us judge for ourselves. Would love to see all of you.
gazzer123 said:
Love a cam date sometime , :)
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  • donnies
  •   Australia
      57 years old
  • cossy100
  •   Australia
      44 years old
  • jd11
  •   United States
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