I haven't had the most adventurous sex life and being a bit shy has played its part in that some and there are many things I would like to try 1 day. Hopefully I can cross a few of these off my bucket list before I go. Here are a few I can think of...
1. Be with an older woman
2. Be with a redhead!
3. Have sex with someone I met online!
4. Sex in a public place.
5. Join the mile high club.
6. A Threesome
7. Anal sex
8. Sex with a coworker ( I have a few in mind I would like to)
9. Film myself having sex
10. Have others watch while I have sex. ( not sure if I would actually do it as I would probably be a little nervous but sounds interesting.)
11. A little bit of a spin off of #10. Have sex with a married woman while her husband watches us. ( I think I would be even more nervous doing this but it seems rather exciting. It be so great to make a married woman cum and moan as her husband is watching.)
There are probably a lot more I could add to this list and I probably will in later blogs. What are some of your items on your sexual bucket list or things you may have already tried that were interesting or very exciting? Let me know I would love to hear them!