As they continued with there make out session they would alternate between Shawn and
Debbie, the clerk and Debbie and Shawn and the clerk all while they were now all only dressed
in there undergarments. I was also down to my underwear while sitting and watching my wife
and friends having some quality time.
Apparently the clerk likes the sausage more than the clam as he adjusted to his knees so that
he could gobble up Shawns hard cock. There they were before me, my wife in her bra and
thong sucking face with our buddy Shawn while the male clerk from the adult bookstore was on
his knees in front of them slobbering all over Shawns cock. The clerks head bobbing up and
down, Shawns cock just glisten with his spit. Up and down with the slurping sounds that guys
love so much. Shawn just moaning into Debbies mouth while he is kneeding on her awesome
tits and pinching her sensitive nipples. As Shawn moved a hand to her sensitive clit she let out
a moan, with Shawn just rubbing away at her clit she was starting to feel it build. Slowly around
and around he worked that sensitive clit. By her breathing I could tell her orgasm was building.
The clerks head bobbing up and down, Shawns hand moving around and around and finally
Debbie blew, she just tensed up and inhaled deeply and just held in her breath while her
orgasm washed over her!
As her orgasm subsided Debbie asked me how I liked the view. I could see Shawn rubbing
that hot pussy while he was being blown by the clerk. His ass, the first ass I have ever fucked
right in front of me.
I could see the look in Debbie's eyes, she needed to be fucked! She pushed the clerks head
away from Shawns cock and quickly straddled his cock. She slid down his shaft easily with a mix
of her ample juices and the clerks spit on Shawns cock. The clerk was eyeing Debbie's fine ass
while she was riding Shawns cock. I don't know if she just sensed his interest in her tight ass or
maybe felt a stray hand but she told him NO, her ass was reserved for her husband only!

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