The true story of how I lived your fantasy, or How I got to spend several hours with Cutiepie51 in a hotel room
First of all, I know a lot of you saw the cam show in question, and I know Cutie has started blogging about it as well. I'd like to say that while I'm going to try to write down what happened, it was all such a blur. I wouldn't be surprised if I remember things out of order, or completely differently than you may have seen them.
Cutie and I met about a year ago when I was passing through her city. I only had about a half hour to spare. We had become good friends online and had a lot of (online) friends in common. I had met a couple people from here, but never a woman. Even though no shenanigans were anticipated, I was incredibly nervous to meet her. It ended up being super fun, and I was heartbroken that we did not have time to really get to know each other. As she mentioned in her own blog post, it is really great to have women friends here, because it's not something I'm out about with my real-life friends. Ever since then, we have been saying we needed more time together.
When I needed to make a trip to the east coast, I worked hard to squeeze in a couple days in Cutielandia.
We agreed to meet. We figured out a day when we'd be able to do it. This was all done openly in chat, and of course a part of it was the fun of seeing all of our online friends get excited about the prospect. We spoke teasingly of it. "Should I pack toys?" Stuff like that. We were truly planning to meet but all of the implied perving-to-be was for the benefit of the room.
But then-- people started asking me what we were actually going to do. I didn't know. Meet for a drink? Catch up on gossip? I figured we would cam, but would it be us pressing our (clothed-ish) boobs together? As I am sure Cutie also did, I had many conversations with people whispering me their own fantasies for our meeting. The funny thing was, Cutie and I never discussed this! We only talked about it with our mutual friends. And some of those friends seemed hell-bent on brokering a deal-- trying to do whatever they could to get us excited about getting together and living out their dream version of the two of us on one cam.
Really, these conversations were fun. Many were silly. Many were eyeroll-inducing. I laughed a lot. This will be a recurring theme.
Fast forward to a few weeks ago when I was packing for this trip. I usually travel with a favorite toy or two, but after a certain incident involving my favorite steel toy and the TSA, well... (stop laughing) (YES, YOU. I said stop laughing.) (We're closed.) I decided after all to pack the favorite steel toy. Thank fuck for that credit card that gives me a free checked bag on every flight, let's just say. I threw in a few other little items. I wondered the whole time if we would actually end up doing anything on cam besides maybe flashing boobs. Would I end up embarassed that I brought a bag of toys to a coffee/cocktail date?
It's not like you guys don't know how this turned out. (SPOILER ALERT?)
To be continued ...