I’ve never been fisted—I don’t work as a bottom—but I’ve certainly done some fisting. Most clients normally just want plain good sex, but the ones who want to be fisted usually have a very specific kind of fetish. And I’d say how often I get asked for fisting depends on the local gay culture and community. I think I’d be requested to fist people more if I lived in Europe, for example. And I’ve never been asked by a woman. I think it’s a guy thing. In my experience, it’s the guys who want to take their sex game to another level.
I don’t think fisting required any kind of special preparation. I just try to be slow and careful so I don’t break anything. The main thing is you need lube. Lots of lube. And enjoy it. Sometimes I start playing with my fingers inside the person’s butthole and that makes me hard. And some people can only take it to the wrist. Some will take it mid-arm, others take it all the way up to my elbow. I’m not the one who decides. But you’d be surprised how big a rectal cavity is. You can put an arm in there just fine without harming other organs
Then, when the time’s up, I go take a shower. Since I wear gloves or put a condom over my arm, it’s all clean but still, I usually want a shower. And if you’re wondering, yes, everything stretches back to normal. It’s all just muscle back there. Some people are tighter than others, but everyone bounces back
I’m not sure what advice I can offer. Maybe just that if you feel like trying it, just do it. Pick someone who’ll be patient and kind. Getting fist fucked for the first time is quite an experience and you should feel safe. Try not to feel restrained by some kind of moral conflict or fear. Just let your pleasure do the talking.