The coward hides behind a mask,
Shivering and afraid.
With poisoned barbs he hopes to harm,
Those brave enough to stay.
Heart and soul traded long ago,
For evil,spite and hate,
Joy evedes him everyday,
Misery being his trade.
I cannot pretend it did not hurt,
when his venom came my way.
But I had friends with antidotes,
Who rushed to save the day.
Compassion, Love and Tolerance,
Friendship,Trust and Faith.
All of these they gave to me,
And I was unafraid.
So "Tell it like it is?"
Well that I intend to do.
Your poison hurt but don't forget.
It is carried within you.
And as you run away,
From the harm you have left behind,
Be sure to know, you cannot hurt ,a heart thats loving-kind......
"Count your blessings instead of your woes. Count your friends instead of your foes!"
" All it takes for evil to win is for good men to do nothing!"